
The History of 100 Mile House Baptist Church.

We are an evangelical body of Christians who gather to worship, share the gospel of Jesus Christ within our community and seek to build each other up to be more like Christ. The journey for this body began in 1981 when some 40 individuals met for a Sunday morning service in one of the local schools. Some time later on July 1, 1982, 100 MBC was officially recognized by the British Columbia General Conference, (BGC). A special service celebrating this event occurred on March 12/13, 1983 attended by these visionaries and many guests from throughout the province.

The church continued to prosper over the years, overcoming different challenges and celebrating many joys. In March of 1998, the church grew, by the Grace of God, to open the doors to a new church building on the corner of Highway 97 and Tatton Station Road. This was to become and is to this day the home of the church. We are so grateful for the perseverance , the persistence and determination of those who saw this project through to its fruition. We thank God for his faithfulness and leading through those earlier years as we walked in faith together. The church navigated through many changes and faithfully, true to the Word of God, continues to minister the the community of 100 Mile House and throughout the world.

What lies ahead is in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are thrilled with the honour of serving our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and we continually seek His face for those in the Cariboo region and around the world that have yet to trust Him as their Lord and Saviour. As we have in the past many years, 100 Mile Baptist Church continues to stand firmly on the Word of God as a template for how we conduct ourselves within the Body of Christ and within the world today.